Fund Testimonials

Read from the following BSCAI member testimonials to find out how the Government Affairs Fund can make your voice heard in Congress.

“We have fully supported the Government Affairs Program since its inception. It is our firm belief that one of the most important functions of BSCAI is to make our voice heard in important matters concerning our industry. Through this program, we have the vehicle to place our concerns and issues in front of the appropriate people. This is essential to achieve the desired actions and results.”
Darrell Glover
Sanitors, Inc.
San Antonio, TX

“I love the fact that the Government Affairs program is available to us as members of BSCAI. Our organization is always looking to make a difference and by making donations to this very important program, I know that my money is being spent on causes that directly impact our company and association”
Jeff Oddo, CBSE
City Wide Maintenance
Lenexa, KS

“Being a small business with limited funds, it’s comforting to know that through BSCAI’s Government Affairs Program we are able to have a voice in Washington who is working in our best interests and keeping us informed of industry changes which can affect us all.”
Robert E. Feagans, RBSM
Sandia Facility Services
Albuquerque, NM

“The Government Affairs Program of the BSCAI exists to give uniform effective representation of all commercial property cleaning and sanitation contractors, to the U.S. Congress and various Federal agencies. There are many regulatory and fiscal issues that impact our operations on a daily basis, including health and safety, environment, transportation, communication, loss and liability, natural disaster recovery, Medicare and Social Security, immigration, and worker documentation. Few of those who leverage the most influence in the political process, like the public at large, have a clear understanding of the unique needs and requirements of our industry. Seldom do they consider the impact of our daily operations on commerce, or on the general public. It is imperative that we who make our livelihood in this industry present a unified voice in Washington that will be heard and respected. It is most important that all who benefit from this common voice contribute to maintaining and amplifying it.”
Lenny Mack
Finesse Cleaning LLC
DeKalb, IL

“Supporting the BSCAI Government Affairs Fund is the best way to be sure you help protect your industry from adverse legislation, regulations and business practices that hinder fair competition.”
John S. Ezzo, CBSE
New Image Building Services
Mt. Clemens, MI

“Without BSCAI’s involvement in Government Affairs, we are taking a chance at having legislators or people with another agency determine the direction in which our industry goes. Can we afford to roll the dice and hope they are looking at our issues from the same angle as we are? I’m glad to continue supporting our Government Affairs program.”
Brad Klein
Building Professionals of Texas
Houston, TX

“Support of our Government Affairs program is key to success for all of us.”
William Hausman
Columbia Maintenance
St. Louis, MO

“The Government Affairs Fund provides vital legislative support. Our industry’s voice needs amplification, and the Government Affairs Fund provides what’s required. Everyone must support this vital initiative to help protect our industry from constant assaults on our profitability.”
John Barrett
KIMCO Corporation
Norridge, IL

“Business leaders today realize the importance of being informed on how government impacts our business on the Federal as well as the State level. The Government Affairs Team can help us save time and money by keeping us up-to-date with valuable information that could prove vital to our business success.”
Ryan Hendley, CBSE
IH Services, Inc.
BSCAI Governement Affairs Chairman

If you would like to submit a quote to be featured on this website, please send it to BSCAI.

Ready to contribute to the Government Affairs Fund? Click here to fill out our application today!