In the building services contracting industry, many things matter. Competitive pricing? That matters. Delivering consistent and reliable cleaning and facility maintenance services? That certainly matters. Having a good marketing strategy? That absolutely matters! Marketing can extend a company’s value well beyond price and service.

Dennis Rothouse
“Marketing plays a crucial role in the building services sector because it shapes how potential clients perceive your business,” Dennis Rothouse, founder and CEO of Menlo Marketing, says. “It helps differentiate your company by highlighting unique value beyond just competitive pricing, giving clients compelling reasons to choose your services.”
Kristina Thayer, director of business development for MSNW LLC in Washington state, offered building service contractors (BSCs) seven marketing tips in a column she authored for BSCAI’s Contractor Connections back in 2023. Those tips ranged from keeping things simple, telling your story and showcasing your workforce. “By implementing these top marketing tips, BSCs can establish a fresh and consistent brand that resonates with their target audience,” Thayer says in her article. “With a solid marketing foundation, BSCs will be well-equipped to attract and retain customers.”
One of the primary goals of any marketing campaign is to ensure company efforts are cohesive and results-driven in the eyes of existing and potential customers. Good marketing will also help BSCs play the long game, especially with customer demographics shifting increasingly from the baby boomer generation to Generation X and millennials. This younger clientele is more apt to be digital natives, focused as much on whether you have a professional-looking website and social media presence as what cleaning agents you’re using in restrooms and kitchens.
Rothouse is a great industry insider to comment on such matters, as he has brought more than a decade’s worth of experience to Menlo Marketing, a BSCAI Affinity Partner. “We're seeing an increasing number of building service contractors leveraging social media to showcase their expertise, highlight disinfection services and communicate their core values,” he says. “Video production is also on the rise, providing greater transparency into who these companies are, their commitment to sustainability and the values that drive their business.”
How your business is regarded online is something BSCs have to be on top of just as much as restaurants, retail stores and other service businesses. “A strong online presence is crucial for shaping how a company is perceived,” Rothouse says. “Especially among younger demographics who expect companies to be digitally accessible and transparent. By consistently showcasing expertise, values and sustainability efforts through social media, video content and other digital platforms, BSCs can build trust and foster long-term relationships. This not only helps attract new clients, but it also positions the company as a forward-thinking and reliable partner for the future.”
This holds true for both large, established operators in the sector as well as smaller, up-and-coming BSCs. What should be top of mind for the latter when it comes to marketing their business? Rothouse was quick to answer: “For smaller BSCs, the top priority in marketing should be building a strong, clear brand that differentiates them from the competition. Focus on what makes their services unique — whether it’s exceptional customer service, specialized expertise or commitment to sustainability.”
He also advises that maintaining an active social media presence can amplify smaller BSCs’ visibility. “Leveraging local [search engine optimization, or SEO] and online reviews is key, as it helps small BSCs reach their target audience more effectively without the need for a large budget,” he says.
Marketing is all about getting the word out — and the best strategies do just that. “Marketing enables you to convey your company's values, expertise and the type of clients you serve,” Rothouse says. “By positioning your building services as high-quality and trustworthy, marketing helps shift the focus from price alone to the overall value and benefits your company delivers.”
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