Celebrate Thank Your Cleaner Day with These Great Tips

On Thank Your Cleaner Day, building service contractors (BSCs) thank their cleaning professionals for their hard work. Cleaning professionals stay late to get the job done. They ensure our offices and schools are sanitary. They do the tough jobs – and they do it all with great pride and care.

Thanking your employees is just as important as any other part of the job. When employees feel celebrated for their accomplishments, they are likely to perform well and be satisfied with their workplace. Here are just a few ways you can show your appreciation on Thank You Cleaner Day – and any other day of the year.

Small Gifts


Gifts don’t have to be big and expensive to show somebody that you’re grateful for them. Small gifts like flowers, candy and gift cards show your employees that you are thinking of them. Tip: Add a personal touch to the gifts by finding items that match your employees’ individual personalities.  

Thank You Notes


In today’s digitalized world, it’s especially thoughtful when people take the time to handwrite a note. Handwritten notes are daily reminders that your employees have a support system in you. Tip: Jot down a few of your employees’ accomplishments and make the note personal by adding your signature.

Team Dinner


Planning a team outing is a win-win for managers. Not only do you get to treat your employees to a nice dinner, but you also get to spend time with them and get to know them better. Tip: Conduct a survey amongst your employees so that they can pick the restaurant – this makes the dinner especially nice for them. 

Bake a Treat


Nothing says “thank you” like a basket of warm, delicious treats! Take the time to bake some sweets, such as muffins, cake, pie or cheesecake. Bring the dessert to the office the next day for all of your employees to share. Buying items from the store is another great option. Tip: Make sure you’re aware of any food allergies or dietary restrictions before serving food to your employees.

Post on Social Media


Share your employees’ accomplishments on your company’s social media pages and tag your employees in the posts. This allows your employees to receive wider recognition outside of the company. Tip: Create a photo album so that your employees can look back on past photos of themselves and others.