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Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols Laid Out for the University of Washington Show the Future of College Cleaning

As college students prepare to go back to school, many institutions are focusing on how to keep students safe. New guidance created by the University of Washington shows a glimpse into what institutions like colleges will do moving forward.

The Washington state Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Department recently developed "COVID-19 Prevention: Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols" for use by the University of Washington (UW) system in dealing with the ongoing pandemic. The protocols have been broken down into two parts: one, enhanced cleaning and disinfection for prevention; and, two, enhanced cleaning and disinfection after notification of a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Focusing on the first, increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting before, during, and after campus hours will be a must, with a special emphasis on such high-touch surfaces as tables, handrails, doorknobs, buttons, and shared keyboards in everything from classrooms to restrooms to library spaces. Students, faculty, and all concerned should continue to be advised on proper hand-washing techniques, using soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.

Safety guidelines should also be followed for anyone performing the cleaning and disinfecting functions. This means using disposable gloves; wearing gowns and/or aprons to protect one's personal clothing; and storing all chemicals in closed, labeled containers. And when it comes to the actual cleaning and disinfecting, staff should immediately give attention to any surfaces where a person with clear respiratory problems are present. In addition, follow manufacturers' recommendations and instructions on the proper use of all cleaning products, and be sure to use only EPA-registered disinfectant against COVID-19.

But, despite the best efforts of campus cleaning staff, students, and everyone else, let's say a case of COVID-19 does get confirmed on campus. EH&S researchers urge swift action and reaction. Thus, the new protocols call for the cleaning and disinfection of all areas where an individual with COVID-19 spent time in UW spaces. This protocol is applied from 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms until seven days have passed since he or she has been present at any university spaces.

Communication and coordination are critical in the early stages of a confirmed case on campus. This entails communicating with all impacted departments and coordinating with all building coordinators/managers. Areas that require restricted access during and immediately after enhanced cleaning need to be clearly identified. Cleaning crews are urged to, if possible, open windows to the outside to increase air circulation; wait 24 hours before the infected person was present in UW spaces to start cleaning and disinfecting them; and wear disposable gloves, gowns, and safety glasses while doing the work. If the decision is made to go with an outside cleaning contractor, the protocols call for EH&S to review all products and application methods that will be used prior to work starting.

College is broadly referred to as the "best years" in a person's life. But in the COVID-19 era, they must also be the safest and most cautious.